` SDirector-General of Ghana Health Service urges District Directors to uphold the tenets of Network of Practice

SDirector-General of Ghana Health Service urges District Directors to uphold the tenets of Network of Practice

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Director-General of the Ghana Health Service, Dr. Patrick Kuma Aboagye, has encouraged all District Health Directors to take ownership of the concept of Network of Practice (NoP).

He said they should be proactive in engaging with communities, collaborating with other health professionals and seek innovative solutions to challenges.

Speaking at the 2024 Annual General Conference of District Health Directors being held at Ada, he said with a collective effort, challenges can be mitigated.

The District Health Directors Annual Conference offers them the opportunity to network, collaborate and strategise to achieve universal health coverage through strengthening primary healthcare coverage at the district levels.

The Director-General emphasized the importance of enhancing human resource efficiency at the district and sub-district levels.

Highlighting some key initiatives by the service to ensure it achieved the Universal Health Coverage targets, Dr Kumah Aboagye said there are plans for a National Boat Service to provide routine care in hard-to-reach districts as well as investment in technology and supply chain.

“You are the commandos at the front line. I encourage you to have proactive engagement with the communities and collaboration with other professionals. I urge all of you to accelerate your contributions towards achieving the Universal Health Coverage by 2030. We are Working on providing the infrastructure and the human resource needed to facilitate your work,” he assured.

Chairman of the DDHS Dr. Justice Seduvu on behalf of the District Health Directors called for better conditions of service and also called for improved infrastructure and human resource at the district levels.

“We are working on capacity building and development of our members to translate new policies, guidelines and directives from the Director-General into practice. We are also focused on teamwork and utilising the Network of Practice to accelerate improved health care services at our individual districts,” he said.

The five days conference is on the theme: Acceleration towards UHC with a strengthened primary healthcare through a network of practice approach. The role of DDHS.”


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